Saturday, February 02, 2013

Belgian Health fundraiser for 2013


Members of the Belgian community - this offer for Belgian shirts is good until February 20! 

February 20 we go to print with whatever is ordered. If you have a regional club or local group and want to order bulk, please DO!! 
If you want to gather orders and have them bulk shipped to your area, we can and would LOVE to do this!
Bulk or single orders in by February 20 will be shipped to you by March 15. Sign 'em up!!

Thanks to the ABTC for allowing us to link to the Health information already gathered on that site. 
There is much more work to do and I hope you will all share this site and information with your clubs and Belgian friends.

Now, let's sell some shirts and save a Belgian!!
Orders in by February 20 for delivery at Louisville, March 15!  Like Belgians - you can't have just one!
Bulk orders can be done for clubs, so share this information! 

Pat Heisler, in memory of Alex

Please cross post!