Sunday, December 30, 2012

Alex? A picky eater?

Alex has never, never been a picky eater. Never.
When we changed to the canned food, EN  and now Halo, he ran to the food bowl. He even put up with me adding Pepto to calm his stomach. Today is the first day he has eaten some...then walked away.  I left it down for a while, added more water. He slurped some of the liquid, but did not really eat much. Has he finally smelled the meds?  I eventually dumped that and put down some homemade Alex stew with no meds. Ground turkey, carrots, green beans, lots of broth. He picked at that, ate some leftover pork and beans, then finally finished the stew. Normal meal, 3 minutes tops. This one, over an hour.
He asked for a chew half hour later, so I gave it to him. He is moving a bit slow today. 
Saturday was the first time I was sure he had thrown up two times in one day, 6 hours apart. I upped him to one of the cerenia pills.
Today has been ok holding down, just eating slow.
Napping now. Perhaps we both should, but my mind goes to my holiday to do list....