It has been two months since I broke my ankle and I am now in an aircast. I took these today after I bathed and cleaned my wounds. I have to redress them daily. Back to the Dr tomorrow to gauge my healing and progress.
Alex has been remarkably patient with me, so today he was rewarded with his first walk since New Year's Day. It was only a slow and short one around the block, but I know he was happy. And I am glad I went early - it all hurts now. Too tired!
I also finally got the Christmas stuff put away in the basement and gathered 3 large bags of trash for the garbage man tomorrow. May as well catch up on something. No driving, so basement sorting is as good as anything.
I will know I am really bored when I finish my taxes!! ;-)
I found this great blog of other folks who have broken their ankle. I will have lots more questions for the Dr tomorrow!
Take care...